Mental Health & Addiction Therapeutic Services

Comprehensive Therapeutic Services for Mental Health and Addiction

Major aspects of rehabilitation are mental health and addiction therapy services. 
Therapy allows patients seeking treatment to heal with the support of various options, and different rehabs will offer options depending on factors like location, cost, and intended focus. 
Our luxury drug and alcohol rehab in South Florida offers a variety of therapy programs like group therapy, family therapy, animal-assisted therapy, and more. Below is more information on all of our mental health and addiction therapeutic services and how they contribute to long-term recovery.

Mental Health Therapeutic Modalities

Also referred to as psychotherapy or talk therapy, mental health therapy involves working with a therapist in a safe and confidential environment to explore and understand how feelings and behaviors contribute to mental illness. During individual talk therapy sessions, the conversation is often led by the therapist and may touch on various topics, such as current problems, past experiences, trauma, thoughts, feelings, relationships, and more.

Some forms of individual and group therapy for addiction offered at our luxury drug and alcohol rehab in Palm Beach include:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
  • Neuro-Integration Therapy & Brain Mapping
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

Holistic Therapy Services

Holistic therapy is a type of therapy that treats the whole person. This kind of therapy integrates spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional forms of well-being intending to help the individual develop a deeper understanding of themselves on all these levels.

Holistic therapy uses evidence-based treatment and a framework tailored to the individual’s unique needs. Some forms of holistic therapy for addiction used at our facility include:

  • Aromatherapy
  • Body-centered wellness
  • Breathwork
  • Energy therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Psychodynamic therapy
  • Reiki
  • Supplements for addiction treatment
  • Yoga therapy

Activity Therapy

Also known as recreation therapy, activity therapy allows patients to engage in actions, movements, and activities to help them face physical and emotional challenges they may experience during recovery. 

Engaging in mental health and addiction therapeutic services can help clients process difficult emotions and offers additional benefits, including spending time outdoors, meeting others in the recovery community, and more.

Animal-Assisted Therapy

Animal therapy is when animals are used in goal-directed treatment sessions led by licensed therapists and animal handlers. These goals can be physical, mental, emotional, and/or social. 

Our luxury treatment center in Palm Beach offers animal therapy for addiction and mental health to support clients as they go through various physical and psychological challenges in recovery.

Animals like dogs and horses offer emotional support and companionship as well as responsibility and accountability as clients not only spend time with them but are also able to partake in their care.

Family Therapy for Addiction & Mental Illness

Family therapy and couples therapy play a major role in most, if not all, of our clients’ recovery journeys. We understand that substance abuse and mental health disorders can impact the individual as well as their loved ones, and support for individual healing is often necessary for the addict’s spouse, children, and/or parents. For this reason, our Seaside rehab offers individual and group family therapy sessions.

The individual sessions offer family members a safe and private space and time to work with therapists on recovering from the impact their loved one’s disorder has had on them and how they can be there for their loved one in recovery. Our therapists also lead group therapy sessions, during which family members and the addict can work on making amends and rebuilding their relationships.

Our mental health and addiction counseling services are designed to support patients through the various physical and psychological challenges they may come across as they recover from their disorders. These programs help patients through everything from difficult cravings after medically assisted detox to past trauma that has contributed to mental illness. 

If you or someone you care about is battling an addiction or mental illness, don’t wait to get help. Contact Seaside Palm Beach today for more information about our substance abuse and mental health services in Florida.

Chiropractic Services

Expert, Professional Chiropractic Care

Long-term back and neck pain are unfortunately common in addiction recovery. To counteract the often debilitating withdrawal-related pain that patients endure, Seaside Palm Beach has experienced and qualified chiropractors on staff to address patients’ continuing chiropractic care needs. 

An integral part of our pain management offerings, chiropractic medicine has helped millions of patients successfully manage their neck and back pain and improve their quality of life. Seaside Palm Beach’s research department is constantly researching innovations in chiropractic medicine to offer patients the most cutting-edge methodology.

 Compassionate and Sensitive Pain Relief

Our experts utilize safe and sensitive spinal manipulation methods so that patients can manage their back and neck pain and better focus on recovery. Some of the more common benefits of chiropractic care include, but are not limited to:

  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Increased flexibility
  • Heightened mobility
  • Improved posture

Seaside Palm Beach offers state-of-the-art chiropractic services as part of a comprehensive, personalized care plan for our patients.

Trauma Therapy Techniques

Common Types of Trauma Therapy Techniques

Trauma therapy is a form of psychotherapy designed to help people who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events and need help coping with the impact of it. 

Trauma therapy usually involves the use of evidence-based treatment methods to help these individuals understand how trauma has impacted them and how to properly cope and recover.

 The goal of utilizing trauma therapy techniques is to help individuals address and overcome symptoms like anxiety and depression and regain control over their lives. As a luxury drug and alcohol rehab in South Florida that offers trauma therapy, we wanted to share the various trauma-informed therapy techniques that we use to support our clients in their recovery.

Understanding Trauma

Trauma is an emotional and psychological reaction to a distressing or negative event or experience that’s typically outside of a person’s normal range of experiences. Traumatic events can be physical or emotional and often involve a perceived threat to the person’s safety, security, or well-being.

Traumatic events include a wide range of negative experiences, such as:

  • Accidents
  • Childhood abuse and neglect
  • Combat
  • Hospitalization
  • Natural disasters
  • Physical or sexual assault
  • The sudden death of a parent or trusted caregiver
  • Witnessing the shooting or stabbing of a person

Trauma can have a long-term impact on a person’s emotional, physical, and psychological state, often contributing to unhealthy coping behaviors – like substance abuse – as well as mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, hypervigilance, flashbacks, nightmares, and avoidance. 

Trauma can also cause changes in behavior, including drug and alcohol abuse, aggression, violence, or withdrawal from loved ones and social situations.

It’s also important to note, however, that trauma affects everyone differently. What may be traumatic for one individual may not affect another one in the same way or at all. 

Additionally, the effects of trauma can vary depending on the person’s age, gender, cultural background, and individual coping methods. Regardless, it’s important to familiarize oneself with the various forms of trauma to be better equipped to reach out for help for oneself or to support a loved one who’s struggling. 

Types of Therapy Techniques for Trauma

Trauma therapy offers a variety of benefits, including reduced symptoms of trauma, improved self-awareness, increased sense of control, enhanced coping skills, improved relationships, greater self-esteem, and increased resilience. 

Trauma therapy addresses symptoms associated with trauma – such as flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, and depression – improving the individual’s self-awareness concerning their feelings and teaching them how to control these reactions.

Because it’s common for individuals who have been impacted by trauma to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like drug or alcohol abuse, trauma-informed therapy techniques also focus on enhancing coping skills and providing the individual with new strategies for coping with stress and anxiety. Due to the reduced stress and improved sense of self-awareness, trauma therapy also contributes to improved relationships.

There are several types of trauma therapy techniques commonly used to help people recover from the effects of trauma, including:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This technique focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with trauma.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): DBT combines cognitive behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices to help people learn how to manage their emotions and properly cope with stress.
  • Exposure Therapy: This technique involves gradually exposing the individual to the source of their trauma in a safe and controlled space to desensitize them to trauma triggers.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): This technique involves using rapid eye movements while recalling traumatic events to help reduce the intensity of the person’s negative emotions.
  • Psychodynamic Therapy: This therapy technique involves exploring the underlying emotional and mental factors that may contribute to symptoms of trauma, like flashbacks.
  • Somatic Experiencing: This focuses on the physical sensations linked to trauma and uses techniques like breathing and body awareness to help the individual release tension.
  • Narrative Therapy: This technique involves reframing the person’s experiences in a more positive light by creating a new narrative about their trauma.

Finding Trauma Therapy Near Me

Working with a therapist who’s specifically trained or certified in one of the various trauma-focused therapy techniques mentioned above can help you or a loved one heal from trauma. 

Our luxury mental health facility offers a wide range of treatments to support individuals in their recovery from mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and trauma-related issues.

For immediate help call now



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