Setting Addiction Recovery Goals & Following Through

The new year is fast approaching and it is time to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. If you went through a drug detox last year and started your recovery journey, it may seem like you already achieved so much this past year. While this is true, there is always room for improvement and setting those recovery goals are more important than you may think.

The Importance of Goal Setting in Addiction Recovery

Whether you are looking at treatment goals for substance abuse or are already sober and thinking about long-term goals for addiction recovery, it is important that you make these goals. When you set goals for yourself, you are actively striving to do better and create a better future for yourself. For some who may have hit rock bottom with their addiction, this can be a way of creating hope and also avoiding relapse.

Examples of Addiction Recovery Goals

If you are in recovery, you may be struggling to come up with some specific goals for sobriety other than just staying sober, but there are plenty of small victories that you can strive for.

Our Florida luxury residential rehab suggests examples like:

  • Finishing a treatment program
  • Hitting a sober anniversary
  • Attending a support meeting at least once every two weeks
  • Exercising three times a week instead of one
  • Reducing the number of times you eat fast food in a month
  • Sticking to a better sleep schedule
  • Taking a step forward in your career (raise, promotion, new job)
  • Trying to date again
  • Moving out before the end of the year if you are living with a family member
  • Attending church twice a month
  • Finding a hobby you enjoy
  • Rebuilding relationships that may have been strained or damaged from addiction
  • Resolving any legal issues if possible

Tips For Achieving Your Sobriety Goals

There is a big difference between goal setting in recovery and actually reaching those goals. As a luxury rehab in South Florida, we know that staying sober can be a challenge and hitting these goals can be difficult, but these tips may be able to make these addiction recovery goals more attainable.

  • Don’t create too many goals and overwhelm yourself
  • Try to create goals that are specific and measurable
  • Write them down and put them where you will see them frequently
  • Tell other people so they can hold you accountable
  • Break it down into small, more manageable steps
  • Frequently remind yourself why you are doing it and the benefits of being sober
  • If you stray from your goals or relapse, get help immediately


If you are struggling to get sober or recently relapsed, it may be time to get treatment. At Seaside Palm Beach, our facilities are designed to make addiction recovery more comfortable and easier. Call us today at 561-677-9374 to learn more.

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