How to Confront an Addict Without Causing a Disaster
Having a loved one with a substance abuse disorder can leave you feeling lost, hurt, confused, angry, and afraid. This whirlwind of emotions is natural, but you should not let it paralyze you from taking action. If you really want your loved one to get help, you need to confront them.
Tips on Confronting an Addict
There is no easy way to confront an addict. The situation is uncomfortable and may not end well, but not taking action and hoping the problem goes away on its own is a dangerous approach. Not only is this unlikely, but your loved one’s addiction could also get worse and their life could be in danger. Follow these tips on how to confront a drug addict and have the greatest chance of success.
Do Your Research
Before you can confront an addict, you should know what you are dealing with. Addiction is a disease, and if you have never struggled with it yourself, it can be hard to understand what your loved one is going through. Learn about addiction as a whole as well as your loved one’s specific problems. This knowledge can help you better approach the situation and help your loved one feel more understood.
Stay Calm
Especially if you are confronting an addict in denial, they will likely lash out or react negatively when you confront them. Although this is common, you cannot let your emotions get the best of you at this time, or this interaction will only turn into an unproductive screaming match. Instead, do everything you can to stay calm. When you stay relaxed and collected, you have a better chance of getting your addicted loved one to calm down as well and listen to what you have to say.
Don’t Blame
It is easy to point fingers at your loved one and to bring up all of the pain that their addiction has caused you but playing the blame game will get your nowhere. Your loved one will feel attacked and will likely shut down. This could also lead to greater strains in your relationship than there already are. Instead, focus on wanting to help them.
Come with Love
When you confront an addict, it is best to come from a place of love, support, and compassion, not anger. Reminding your addicted loved one that you are concerned about them and want to help them can go a long way. Be honest with them about the fears you have for them and make sure they know that you will stand by their side if they get treatment.
Plan What You Will Say
If you try to speak off of the cuff, your emotions will likely take over and you could derail the conversation. To keep your emotions in check and to stay calm, you should plan ahead with what you want to say. Have a script ready and think about possible responses you may need during the conversation.
Present Options
Substance abuse is a major problem, so when you confront an addict, you should provide some solutions. A standard or luxury rehab facility is the best way to ensure that your loved one gets the help they need. Research these options before you confront your addicted love one and be ready to present them. Along with providing your loved one with treatment options, you also need to explain to them what the alternatives are. If they do not get treatment, you will need to set strict boundaries moving forward and stick to these regulations. Tell them what the consequences are for breaking these rules as well. While it may seem harsh, letting your loved one continue their self-destructive behavior without consequences is only hurting them more.
Enlist Professional Help
The best way to confront an addict may be with professional assistance. Because substance abuse is such an emotional topic, it can be hard to separate yourself from them and effectively confront your loved one. A drug intervention specialist can act as an impartial party to successfully guide this process and get your loved one into treatment. These professionals also focus on helping the friends and family of the addict feel heard, the first step in healing from the impact of a loved one’s substance abuse. Even if you take all of these steps, this confrontation may not go as planned but that doesn’t mean you should not try. While your loved one may become angry with you or not want to talk to you, their life is at stake. Addiction is a dangerous disease and the alternative to not doing anything is letting your loved one continue to put themselves in harm’s way. Our luxury detox facility is designed to help people safely and comfortably begin their journey to sobriety. If your loved one has a substance abuse problem of any kind, it is important not to wait any longer to take action. Get your loved one the help they deserve. To learn more about how we may be able to help, reach out to us now at 561-677-9374.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]