While my story involves no classic cataclysmic tale that one often hears about hitting “rock bottom”, somewhere along the way I began to feel my life was slowly losing control over my life because of addiction to opiates and Xanax. It probably happened when I could no longer make any effective decisions I needed to do at my job and every choice I made in my personal life also was based on if it would interfere with my next high. Any relationships or hobbies I had previously enjoyed were all gradually losing meaning and purpose, as they simply couldn’t give me the same relaxation and comfort I could achieve from my drugs all by myself.
I was fortunate enough around this time to bump into a close childhood friend at a local restaurant whom I had lost touch with a few years earlier. He told me had recently come back from an executive rehab in Florida that got him off of his opiate addiction. I took it as a sign to at least check them out on the Internet. I heard an inner voice in my head keep telling me I had to go and look into the place further on the Internet when I got home. His recommendation looked very promising and I liked the idea of them being in another state and inpatient so I wouldn’t be tempted to contact my local dealer.
When I called this executive drug and alcohol rehab they told me they provided high-end residential recovery while still making an allowance of time everyday for their patients to attend to business back home. This was the single biggest thing that really clicked with me, since most inpatient rehab centers don’t permit their patients to work remotely.
I was on the next plane down to Palm Beach in Florida. The anxiety, depression, and anger management programs were vital, along with my private therapy sessions, with informing me about how to spot and manage these issues before they become a threat to my sobriety. The kayaking, tennis & gold outings, and even scuba diving trips offered a wonderful way to utilize our free time to get back in touch with oneself and remember how to take pleasure in the simple delights of nature and observation. The talks and meaningful person-to-person interaction gave me some genuine insights that I would have never received at any outpatient treatment facility. I was still able to take my allowed time out twice a day to deal with and conduct business affairs for work. I never felt like this was detrimental to my recovery process, and in fact gave me a chance to apply the lessons we’d learn in lectures and group to some potential ‘stressors’ back home after I got back.
By the time I had successfully graduated their executive program I had learned an incredible amount about myself. The most important thing I learned though was about addiction and the steadfast dedication needed to stay clean and sober for the future.