What To Bring To Treatment
- Insurance Card
- Prescription Card
- Cell Phone
- Laptop/Tablet
- Medications (in original bottles). Do not bring narcotic medication to treatment.
- Credit cards
- Casual Clothing (5 to 7 days worth) (Maid and laundry service provided)
- Evening wear (1-2 outfits)
- Gym Clothing
- Beach Wear & Beach Towel
- Sun Screen
- Umbrella
- Eyeglasses / Contact Lenses & appropriate accessories
- Golf clubs and/or tennis gear (if desired)
Pet Admits:
- All pet forms and waivers must be completed prior to arrival
- Crate/Kennel for pet
- Leash, medication, supplements
- Food can be purchased after arrival if credit card is on file
Items Not to Bring to Treatment
- Weapons
- Musical Instruments
- High heels
- Provocative Clothing
- Excessive Jewelry
- Clothing or other items that promote sex, drugs, or alcohol