The Therapeutic Power of Dramatic Experience

Addiction is commonly tied to different forms of trauma and toxic relationships. It’s important that patients gain the tools to manage their dysfunctional dynamics, whether it’s with a family member, friend or colleague, in order to avoid relapse. Seaside Palm Beach offers a proven and effective therapy known as psychodrama to help patients learn to successfully interact with loved ones with whom they may have a strained relationship. Psychodrama therapy provides participants an opportunity to explore their internal and external worlds and strengthen their interpersonal skills.


The Value of Psychodrama Therapy

Through the use of role play, patients will externalize the internal self-defeating beliefs which contribute to self-sabotage and relapse. This modality can facilitate resolution of unresolved grief and resentment which are both relapse triggers. During the group, patients will spontaneously act out responses to present and future triggers. Through this process, patients will increase their self-awareness, decrease rationalization as well as increase a sense of mastery. The psychodrama process also builds a sense of connection and belonging which is critical for the recovering individual if they are to build a network of sober support to ensure continued recovery.

Problem Solving Theatre

Our psychodrama program is led by peerless experts in the field. Seaside Palm Beach has teamed up with renowned psychodrama therapy pioneer Dr. Megan Givnish and her Problem Solving Theatre group. Dr. Givnish is a former student of J.L. Moreno, the founder of the therapy and former student of Freud. During her tenure as a mental health professional, she has taken her Problem Solving Theatre group all over the world to educate clinicians about the value of psychodrama in addiction recovery.

Practicing Psychodrama

During psychodrama therapy, patients act as protagonists and participate in mini skits in which their role is played by their therapist while they play the role of a significant person in their lives. Through a series of these exercises, patients identify responses and behavioral dynamics that both hurt and help their recovery process. The process is played out through a variety of specialized techniques, such as:

  • Role Reversal – The patient plays the character of a significant person in their life while the therapist plays the patient.
  • Mirroring – Patients act out a scene and then have their therapist mirror their performance.
  • Doubling – Therapist acts out a scene as the patient’s other self.

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